With ParaTan Inner Sakthi Yoga, you will learn how to:
- Train your own voice to Empower your own life and help others as a sound healer.
- Have deeper insight and appreciation for the subtle vibration of bija mantra.
How to meditate with mantra for practical self-healing:
- Relationship, (reconnect with your subtle body so that you will be more open to love, learn the art of Meditative Love Making that will help you to merge with your partner as One. Non-dualistic relationship.)
- Inner Prosperity, (is the key ingredient for success, ideal energy for both employer and employees)
- Mental issues (depression, anxiety, stress, negative thinking habits)
- Planetary alignment, (very essential to overcome astrological challenges, as part of the program our Master will give you Vedic Astrological reading)
- Emotional issues (self-esteem, lack of love)
- Physical issues (reprogramming the DNA will free your from depression, anxiety, sexual blocks, self-esteem, issues of grief and anger, and all physical illnesses, manifested or yet to manifest.)
- Spiritual issues (help you to be reconnect to your subtle self or Soul self thus being in tune with your imprint)
Suitable for:
- Anyone who is interested to exploring his or her inner spirit, for spirituality is about discovering one inner spirit
- Therapists, medical and psychological professionals, and healers of all kinds
- Teachers, speakers, singers and musicians. (One of our students, a secondary school teacher in Italy starts her classes with Bija Mantras, and has experienced the miracle of mantras)
Important Note: ParaTan Inner Sakthi Yoga’s approach to bija mantra is a science primarily used by very selected few mantra siddhas unlike the common practices in India. There is a special art in chanting Mantra, which has been forgotten even by the famous TV gurus. The program is suitable for those who are ready to experience profound harmony with One Inner Sound (nāda) and eventually become a matrikā (and you and your inner sound become one). The effort, the flashing forth of active awareness that instantaneously makes universal consciousness shine within.